Two childhood friends that landed in San Diego in their early 20’s in search of themselves and a better life.


Fast forward a decade, both are now fathers, that are passionate about maintaining optimal health for their growing 

families by way of clean eating, nutrition, physical fitness, and self-care. 


They have a combined professional background in

finance, computer technology and entrepreneurship. 


Long ago, they both developed a special connection in utilizing 

cannabis products for therapeutic purposes for themselves and their families and in doing so became connoisseurs in

the field. 


After spending years in the Hemp Space in search of quality hemp products that suited their needs and that

were in alignment with their clean lifestyles, they always seemed to have trouble finding products that were pure, tasty,

balanced, and consistent. 


VAYU’S story began in 2021 in San Diego, California, after the pair were inspired to take their

knowledge and experience to develop a line of pure, premium quality hemp-derived products meant to promote

wellness and relaxation. 


Products they were confident to use at home and proud to share with family and friends.